Sunday, April 26, 2020

Importance of Using Unique Images in your Content

Google's Images search can now read images and figure out what they might be. What's more if the same or similar images exist elsewhere on the web. It can ferret them out. So Google now can tell whether a image is unique or not unique. It is not 100 % perfect yet , but it's very good and getting better. Why does all this matter? Because Google give more importance to unique and original images. If your page has several unique images, then chances are your page will rank higher than other pages with duplicate images or no images all else being the same. 

Importance of Using Unique Images in your Content 

Importance of Using Unique Images in your Content Many people still do not realize how very good Google is getting at reading images. They buy images from stock photography sites, put them on their pages and expect Google to give credit just because they have focus keyword in the alt tags. Google will not give you any credit if you are using images that are found on 1000,s of other websites even if you have your keywords in the alt tags and titles. 

Table of Contents:

Its Essential that every page have a table of contents. As a SEO Expert i thing it is essential that every page have a table of contents. This serves two purposes. First , it helps your users navigate your pages easily. They can quickly see what interests them and go to that section without having spend time looking for it. The pages we are building here are fairly long, and it has to be easy to quickly seen the main contents of the page. Second, it can help your secondary keyword phrases rank a lot better. In fact, this is the main reason why we use the table of contents on our pages. Our pages are designed such that every secondary keywords appears in the table of contents.

You want every secondary keyword to be enclosed in H3 tags for this to work. If a secondary keywords is not in a H3 tags, it will not appear in the TOC( Table of content) and consequently, it will not rank as well as it otherwise would. 

How Linking Out Can Help for SEO 

Page do not rank all by themselves. If you create a page with great content about twin mattresses for adults and no other page on your site is about twin mattresses and no other page on your site link to it.

The Page will not rank as well as it possible could. Internal links play a big role in helping pages rank. A major part of why a page ranks well is because other highly relevant pages on the site link to it. Only if several other highly relevant pages on the same topic link to the page, Can it rank well? In addition to links from other highly relevant internal pages, the page should also link out to highly relevant external sources. 

That's right - For a page to rank well, it needs to link out to external pages that are on the same topic and seen as authority sources by Google. This is key part of the process that any people new to seo miss out on.  They mistakenly believe linking out to other pages "bleeds" link juice they could instead direct to other pages on their own site. That a big mistake. Google entire model of ranking pages is build on links - they want to see pages linking out both to other pages on the same site and other pages on external sites. 

So from every page , you want to link out to at least 2 to 3 highly relevant external sources that are seen as authorities by Google. You can link out to any number of high authority external sites. There are no hard and fast rule that you should limit the number of external links to 3. 

If a site is a high authority site and you feel linking to it can help your readers, then you would want to link to it. The only thing you would want to remember is that when you are building siloed sites, You would not want to link between pages in different silos. If you for some reason need to link pages between pages that are different silos together, link to the landing pages of the Silo and not to any of the inner pages.

You could link out to Government , educational institutions, businesses that are leaders in the niche, sources like Wikipedia and more. You would not want to link out to just Wikipedia. This is another mistake many people make.

The only external links on their pages are Wikipedia links and you would not want to no-follow these external links. Many people who link out to sites other  Wikipedia are so paranoid about those links harming their sites that they no-follow every external link. That's a big no no, if every external link on your site is a no-follow link, that tells Google that you do not trust the sources you are linking out to. Which essentially mean you do not do your homework before you link to a site. So why should Google trust Your site? 

Its True that linking out to bad sites can seriously hurt your rankings. Which is why you would want to link out to only high authority and trustworthy sites. Linking out to government sites, educational institutions, major news papers and magazines, Leaders in your niche and the like cannot harm your site. These are sites Google values and linking out to them wherever it's relevant can only serve to enhance your own sites's reputation. 

To find high authority, trustworthy sites you could link out to, you could use these search operators. 

You could use search operators like. 
1. site.*.edu"search string" 
2. site.*.gov inurl:"search string" (replace search string what you want to search for) 

You could also use Google's advanced search page or do search for Google Search Operators.  Before you link any website you have to check the site authority. Preferably, you would want to link to sites with a domain authority greater than 60. 

That does not mean you would not link to sites with sites with a lower domain authority. But in general, the higher the domain authority of a site the more trustworthy it is likely to be . 

To find such sites, you would want to use informational queries in Google. One more thing you would have to check is that these sites with SSL certificate or look for URLs that start with https. These are more likely to be high authority sites. 

Hope So this will help you , for any Question and query please Contact us via Comments. Thanks for visiting stay tuned. 

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