Wednesday, May 6, 2020

How to Improve Your Blog Aexa Ranking 2020

If you reached here you must know all about Alexa. Many SEO Expert use this website for different Calculations. 

Alexa Site Info is a tool which inform you all about your blog. If you like to improve your website alexa ranking just do follow these rules. 

First of all install alexa extension for page rank in your Google Chrome. By doing this you can check any site rank easily.

Alexa has tool to synchronize web traffic and decides which site is on which number as per traffic it revives. Alexa updates its service every day on 12AM

10 Steps to Improve Your Blogger Alexa Ranking 
How to Improve Your Blog Alexa ranking

1. By Installing Alexa Tool Bar in your Browser
2. By forcing people to view your site who have alexa tool bar installed.
3. By Updating your site daily quality content
4. By creating quality links on sites which already have good alexa rank
5. By adding alexa widget to your site
6. Adding alexa meta tag to your blog
7. By adding your site in alexa listing
8. By increasing blogs traffic
9. By getting reviews for your site on Alexa
10. By getting more comments share on your blog. 

Hope this will work for you for more updates please stay with us and must share your experience in comments area for our new visitors. 

Thanks for your time and consideration. 

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