Wednesday, May 6, 2020

What is Google Page Rank - How to Ranked in Google

Google Page rank is a link analysis algorithm based on links to a page or website. This is used by and Google assigns a Page rank each website and even each page of your sites. These ranks are numerically value like 0 to 10. If you check Page rank of top famous sites like or or Youtube its ranking is 10/10. Same other websites have a rank in google. So as an expert of SEO you have to learn about it and the tricks that how to improve this ranking.

Improvement in page will improve your vote in Google mind and the best thing is that traffic also improve if your rank improve. So must work for Page ranking for your site.

If a good ranked site give your back link this vote will also improve your ranking. Try to create back link on top ranked website that will give your more worth more traffic. Google will also give importance.

Same if you create a link on blocked  or penalized site that will also create a bad image for you. So try to create back link on good , famous and good page ranked websites. These links are like a vote , A high value vote will catch high ranking and vice versa.

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