Web Booster

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Sunday, April 26, 2020

27 Advance SEO Tips to Improve Your Page Load Time

  Excellence Academy       Sunday, April 26, 2020
Are Your Worrying about your website load time. Don't worry now try the best 27 Standard ideas to boost up you page ranking as well as load Time.

This is What you are looking for!

Most Amazing Collection of Tools and Matrix that will really help you to boost your site Load Time. Just Try one by one and check the results.

27 Advance SEO Tips to Boost Your Page Speed 

Advance SEO Tips

1. The Number of Components Like Images , Scripts , Fonts, can increase or reduce your site Load Time.

2. The Size of each Components have its own effects.

3. Your web Hosting also have impact on Site Load Time

4. The Geographical Location of the User also have impact on your site load.

5. The Network Your User is using for internet facility also impact but you can cover this by improving all above issues.

6. If your Server is Shared with High Traffic Content website Your site also suffer low fast time issue.

7. Cloud Hosting or Dedicated Hosting would be better they shared Hosting But They are also more expensive.

8. GT-metrix is a best tool to measure your website Speed to make it fast.

9. Google Page Speed Insights is also a tool to check the Website Speed

10. Moz is a highly respected name in the world of SEO

11. Web Page Test is an other tool to measure the Website Performance

12. A Very Good Tool to Measure TTFB is bytecheck.com

13. W3 Total Cache is a Plugin that caches all the dynamic Content that will improve your server side performance in WordPress Sites.

14. WP-Smush-It is a Plugin to Reduce Image Size and Optimize it If Website Load time Reduction is Required.

15.  Your images on Blog should not be more than 20 KB but some time we do a big mistake in this view that make our site to hard to load it.

16.  You Can Optimize your Image with Photoshop and GIMP software ( GIMP is new Idea) to Download GIMP Best Tool to reduce Image Size

17.  Remember Extra Plugins that you do not used in Your Site Increase Your Site Size to Lode it Remove them at first priority.

18. Keep Watching Your WordPress Media Library Remove All extra Images, Files , Themes that are not in Used. It will also improve Site Load time

19.  If you Like to Improve Your site Speed You need to optimize Your site database with using C-Panel it will help much more for this Purpose. If you feel it is hard to know you can use WP-Optimize Plugin for this purpose. It will work for you. 

20. Yoast SEO is a Best Plugin for SEO in WP websites

21. Thrive Visual Editor is a plugin for Live Front end editor for WordPress Content Try it or Search its Purpose.

22. By Using Zendy Speed: Query Strings Plugin You can Improve Your Google Page Speed Grade ! it remove your site static Resources URSLs.

23. Above the Fold Area is very important for Search Engine to Read and Optimize it for improvement of this area Two Best Plugins can be used.

A. Autoptimize ( Autoptimize Speeds up Your Website and helps you save bandwidth by aggregating minimizing JS, CSS and HTML)

B. Far Future Expiry Header ( This Plugin will add a far future expiry Header for various files types to improve page load speed of your site)

24. P3 (Plugin Performance Profiler) Will analyses Your Plugins Actually this Plugin helps you to inform which plugin is taking much time to load and by this you have to decide which one is best to use for your site.

25.  Using Tomany plugins can slow down your site , So use plugins which are most important very much. A Good Point is that you do not install more than 15 Plugins at a time. Many Plugins can be uninstaller when job is done so be careful about this idea.

26. Delete Your Spam Comments and Post Revisions it can also slow your site database over the time.

27. Never Upload optimized More Than 10 images on Your Website on a Single Page it will increase load time of your site that is not a good sign. For Optimization of Image do not relay on Plugins do it with self tools like GIMP or Photoshop Software.

Hope You Like My efforts in this view. Please Share Your feedback in below Comments area. Thanks for visiting stay tuned.

Thanks for reading 27 Advance SEO Tips to Improve Your Page Load Time

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