Web Booster

Web Booster is a blog which will help you to boost your website with real SEO Tools and techniques. You can boost your sale with Latest Lead generation modules. We will guide you step by step for your Products Promotion with SEO techniques locally & especially for international demand. If you have an information blog and need traffic, we will provide your information that how to increase web search.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

How a Web Page Should be Well Structured

  Excellence Academy       Sunday, April 26, 2020
Well Optimized pages need to have certain elements. Each of these element needs to be created with care. Here today we are going to discuss the elements that go into creating the ideal page. 

Optimized URl: The URL needs to be optimized and the words need to be chosen with care. The URL is your page's name and it's displayed in your browser's address bar. A page's URL is a ranking signal and if the URL is constructed right, it can help a page rank much better than it otherwise would. 

The Page Title: The title is the most important of all on page elements, and it needs to be optimized if your page is to rank well. 

The Body Copy: Your body copy play a key role in getting traffic from the search engines. Unless Your copy meets certain requirements, your page will not get much traffic. 

Images: To rank well your page needs to have images and these images need to be optimized as well. 

Table of Content: This is secret hardly anyone seems to be talking about. By having a Table of Content - designed in a certain way your page can get a lot more buyers traffic. 

Comparison Table: This is perhaps the heart of your page. This is where you will be having your affiliate links. There is a way to design the comparison table for maximum conversions. 

Outbound Links : No page would be well optimized unless it links out and this is something most people neglect to do. This is an essential part of SEO. 

Secondary Keywords: In addition to the main focus keyword, you can also target several secondary keywords and your page can rank well for all of them. 

Right Place for ads and affiliate links: One Question is most important that where to place ads and affiliate links. Its very important that you do not clutter your page with ads like so many people do. This has become critically important after Google's Panda update Not doing this right can mean a penalty. In this below Section we are going to discuss all these elements in detail. 

These are Tips and Tricks adjust for article in advance SEO 

1. Finding Secondary Keywords. All Kind of Pages we build , they have enough ranking power to rank several low competition keywords even if these keywords are not in the title and the URL. So it would be good to have at least around 5 or so related keywords as secondary keywords in addition to the main focus keywords. The Keywords have to be very low competition phrases - and do not pay too much attention to the search volume. So if you are looking for low or very low competition keyword those with difficulty score less than 20. During finding you need to make sure that the keywords are relevant and are low competition. To find the secondary keywords Click Here.

You can search with phrases , as per your required keywords. Than go for checking the Keywords difficulty research and use them in your article. It will really help you to boost your pages. To check Keyword difficulty, Keyword reveler can give you several suggestion for each phrases. And many of these could be used as a very good secondary keywords. 


Thanks for reading How a Web Page Should be Well Structured

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