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Sunday, April 26, 2020

Advance SEO Techniques That Really work for Link Building in 2020

  Excellence Academy       Sunday, April 26, 2020
Hy Friends We are going to discuss Back Links in detail. Like Advance SEO Techniques That Really work for Link Building in 2020. Hope this article will work in real sense Let start...

In the past, you could blast several thousand link of all kinds. All with exact match anchors and your pages would climb up the SERPs remarkably fast. But all such methods do not work anymore and might sometimes be dangerous. 

Now Google is trying to ensure only very good information rich pages are at the top of the SERPs. If the information on a page is considered "thin" by Google , no amount of links may be able to help it rank well. 

Google's Panda Update was aimed squarely at low quality sites with thin content. Any site that has too little content will not be able to rank well in Google or stay in the top for long even if the manages to evade Google's filters initially.

It doesn't matter how powerful the links to the site are. If the content doesn't seem to be valuable in Google's eyes it will not be able to perform well in the SERPs. So you would want to focus on making each of your pages very valuable in the eyes of Google and get a few good links to your site. 

Not too many links of all kinds, but just a few good links. You would not want to get too many low quality links to your site. Sometimes - but not always - Low quality links can end up actually hurting a site and you certainly wouldn't want that to happen. In general , the most difficult a link is to acquire, the more valuable is tends to be. The easiest to get links are also the most abused by spammers so these do not work very well anymore. 

In contrast , links that are really hard to get editorial links tend to be the most powerful. So you would not want to get too many links from blog comments, forum profiles and the like. These links are very easy to get which is why a lot of spammers go after mostly such links. 

What is Link Diversity:

What is link diversity? When we talk of link diversity, we are talking about tow things, Diversity in the kind of sites linking to you and diversity in anchor text. Ideally, a site will have links from several kind of sites, and the anchor text will be diverse as well. A site should have text links and image links, do follow and no-follow links. 

If all of the links to your sites comes from the same kind of sites and there is no diversity in your anchor text profile, that can be a very bad thing. When we talk about diversity, what we are really talking about are tow things.

SEO Techniques That Really work for Link Building in 2020

Diversity in the kind of sites that are linking to you and diversity in anchor text. Suppose our example mattress site has 100 links and all of them have the phrase "best mattress in them" That would be a signal to Google and other search engines that we are trying to game the system. And further, if all of those 100 Links came from word press sites, that would be another signal that it might not be natural. You want your links profile to look "Natural" and it should not be obvious to anyone looking at the links to your site. 

That you might be trying to influence rankings by building links. Ideally, a site will have several kind of sites linking to it ; blogs , HTML sites, niche relevant businesses and services, edu sites and so on. 

In addition, the anchor text will be diverse as well. Brand name anchors, naked URL links, random anchor text and so on. The site should have no follow and do follow links as well as image links. Such a back link profile will look natural and will not cause any Google reviewer who may look at the site's back link profile to conclude the site is trying to game the system. There are a lot of misconceptions about link diversity. 

Link Building in 2020Some people seem to think unless their sites have adverse link profile, they will not rank well. That simply is not true. To rank, Links to your sites must be relevant and have authority. As long as the links to your site fulfill those conditions you will rank. So you will be able to rank well even without diversity. But that does not mean you do not need to care about link diversity.

 Not paying heed to link diversity could be a huge mistake. You see, you do not want to just rank , that's only half the game. What you really want for your site is to rank high and stay there. To accomplish that, it's important that your back link profile be diverse and appear natural. 

But how diverse should your back link profile be?  We are not trying to build monstrously large sites here - So you do not need to havve every kind of link imaginable. Very large sites like Wikipedia and amazon tend to have lots and lots of links of every kind. Instead, you want to have a few different kinds of links and you want your anchors to be diverse. Diversity helps your back links profile to appear natural. 

To rank well you need powerful links like Guest Posts and edu links. In addition to these powerful links, you would want to have links from press releases, Video sites like YouTube, and handful of image links and maybe a few links form audio sharing sites. These can make your back link profile to look more natural. 

That would be enough diversity in the  types of links. So guest post and edu links deliver the power required to rank, While press releases, links from audio and video sharing sites and image links make the back link profile diverse. 

Regarding anchor text ratios, it's impossible to suggest exact numbers here. It's impossible to say something like have 10% brand name links, 60 % naked URL links, 25 % random anchors, 3 % partial match anchors and 2 % exact match anchors. Formulas like those do not work. That said , you want to limit the percentage of exact and partial match anchors and have mostly naked URL, brand name and random anchors. 

How to analyze any website back link profile 

You can use ahrefs to analyze any website's back link profile. Other Tools like semrush and majestic.com also allow you to analyze a site's back links, but ahrefs is the best tool for this purpose. The idea is to find the back links your competition has, and then try to get the same or similar sites to link to your site. 

Let's Search Google.com for your matching keywords and take a look at the back link profile of some of the sites that are at the very top of the results. These websites are doing things right and you want to copy them as much as you can. 

Let see i choose from google Result a top first ranking site link to check its back link profile in ahrefs.  Explore this link on ahrefs. To find the back link Profile results on left side click on Back link option. You will get the list of those sits and one by one you can visit them and find how to create your site link on there. 

This process takes a lot of time, but is well worth the efforts. Usually, if you analyse a few top sites this way, you will get a clear picture of how the top sites in your niche are building their links. By copying them as much as you can, you will be able to get very similar links to your site as well. These links should be able to help your site to climb the SERPs. 

Press Release role in Back linking. 

A press release is a good way to diversify your link profile. However, you will want to take a few precautions if you want to use a press release. You will want to use a reputed servicces like PRweb.com to have your press release distributed.

You would not want to use cheap services that are sold on some sites for 5 $ or So. These very low cost services might end up hurting your site instead of helping it. PRweb is expensive but the services like these are the only ones you would want to use. You would want to use only use naked URL link to your site from your press release. 

Only use naked URL links to link to your site from the press release. You would never ever want to use exact or partial match anchors to link to your site. Do not use exact or partial match anchors ever in a press release. Branded URL links might be alright, but you would want to stick with naked URL links. 

For instance, if you were to use a press release to link your site www.google.com.

You have to use naked URL links like these. 

  • www.google.com
  • www.Google.com
  • http://www.google.com
  • http://www.Google.com
  • Google.com
  • google.com
  • http://google.com

You would never, ever want to use anchors like Best Search Engine etc. Using exact or partial match anchor in a press release can hurt your site, more so if the links are not no-followed. So you would want to avoid using exact or partial match anchors in a press release. You will want to no-follow every single link to your site in the press release. This is very important. You would want to use the rel=no follow tag and no follow every single link to your site in the press release. 

If you are using naked URL links and the no follow tag for those links in your press release, You will diversify you link profile and that can do your site a lot of good. You would want to use a professional to write the release. Unless you have written several press releases in the past, you would want to hire a professional to write a press release for you. 


Thanks for reading Advance SEO Techniques That Really work for Link Building in 2020

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