Web Booster

Web Booster is a blog which will help you to boost your website with real SEO Tools and techniques. You can boost your sale with Latest Lead generation modules. We will guide you step by step for your Products Promotion with SEO techniques locally & especially for international demand. If you have an information blog and need traffic, we will provide your information that how to increase web search.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

10 On Pages Real Working SEO Techniques To Get Ranked in Google

  Excellence Academy       Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Search Engine Optimization is not simple, There are different techniques that you apply on your website like On Page SEO Techniques , Off Page SEO Techniques, Use of Some Tools and Tricks etc. 

Today we are going to see top 10 Real On Page SEO Techniques that every web developer must remember before coming toward Online World. 

On Page SEO Techniques are basically those techniques which you have to perform on your website it self. You do not need to pay for, your little more attention will make you able to apply these tricks on your web-pages.

So just keep in touch and read these 10 Hot Topic for On Page SEO and share your feedback in the Comments area. 

1. Simple Website Design :

First of all the most important point is your web designing. How someone feel during visiting your web-pages. The design matter a lot. If your website is much more dark colored , so many adds , banners are hanging here and there. Its called a very poor designing. Try you best efforts to make your web-pages very easy and access able. Every individual feel very easy to visit and like to navigate all around. You must to use simple color theme. Very smart sidebar and highly easy to stay at home page. 

2. Website Layout & Navigation:

Layout mean the structure of a website. Different menu make the front look or page layout of your home page. So try to make it very simple. Do not show too many adds here and there. Do not show two many Menu on site left right. Try to make it as simple as you can for this if you like to visit a very professional website i would like to suggest you DailyBlogTips.

Your site above fold area is very important , the first screen which looks on your screen when you visit a site called above the fold area. How should be your page layout & Navigation like a pro. Here are some tips to be professional in this regards. 

1. The Header should be there.
2. The menu or Navigation bar
3. The sidebars one or two
4. The content area or post body 
5. The Footer area of your website 
6. Footer menu. 

3. Page Title & Description

ON Page SEO Tips
For On Page SEO a web Title & Description is very important. Title mean, what the page is about and description explore the title in detail. About Books it is famous that many books record the selling record because of its title. Title mean the tag line which attract the visitor needs. A person who is finding something on Google. Your title may satisfied and catch the attraction for him. So Try to learn how to write an appealing title to catch more visitor. Keep in mind write first for your visitor than thing about the search engine. It will give you worth , your site will rank more if visitors stay more time on it and keep visiting. 

If we talk about your site title meta tag it should be smart like a slogan. It should be very attractive and catching the Main Keyword idea. Expert says that Website title meta tag should be not more than four words. That should cover your main topic. Remember these instruction are about your home page meta tag not about your every content or Post little. 

And description of your home page meta tag should be summarize your blog in few words. Like why you are in the market , why people visit your site ? these are also like motivational lines to catch the attraction of visitors. 

How to write these meta tags Syntax:

<title> SEO Training & Guidelines </title>
<meta name='description' content=' A blog which provide Training and guideline about SEO to boost your website '>

What so ever a site is in HTML, Word Press , Blogger or PHP  the title syntax is same in all situations. For description mostly meta tags is use and after that description is used as attribute of meta tag. Structure is given above. simply this is very , very important. Trust me this is just a magic for your identity. Just do it for your website and blogs. 

4. On Page Meta Tag

Meta Tags are special HTML tags which are used for defining / describing the content of web-pages. Meta tag is a single tag with multi attributions. Like in above section we work with meta in description attribute. Remember, these tags are just for search engines not for users or visitors these tags work back. One attribute of these tags are keyword called , Keywords meta tags , for writing Keyword meta tags syntax is as under

Keyword Meta Tag Syntax:

<meta name='keywords' content='SEO tutorials, SEO Tips, Search Engine Optimization, SEO Training'>   

How to Write meta tage about website author:

<meta name='author' content='Author Name'>

How to write meta tag for robots to index your website 

<meta name='robots' content='index,all'>

How to write meta tag about generator plate form, like word-press, php, blogger etc.

<meta name='generator' content='blogger'>   


Google does not like keywords meta tags now a days, so it is good if you do not practice it for your websites but if you are writing in a good sense like the regional keywords about your web-stie idea it may little more work for you. Google will not penalize your site if you use in your website. Never ever show more than four to five keyword in this tag if most required. one thing more yahoo & Bing still give importance to these keywords. 

5. Post Title & Permalink description.

For search engines , every page , every post is like a website. You can say that your home page is a single page, same like every post has its identity as a single page. When a visitor open a post , page on your website , Search Engine consider it as a web-Page. 

All this is important because every post , every page need a title. So that search engine should understand, when a visitor open any page or post on your website. 

Basically Every search engine work like this, First of all Search Engine give importance to post title, secondly they consider the permalink and third one is your post , page  description. This is how Google and every Search Engine does work. Let Know what is Permalink?

What is Permalink:

For Example 

www.google.com/kids video

In this link www.google.com is a website address while after that /Kids Videos is a part of permalinks.

Now an other question how permalink create, the answer is very simple, " The Post or Page Title is mostly consider as Permalink" In word press after the Post or page title there is an option for permalink which work by default, like if you create a post title permalink will automatically created by word press. In blogger you just have to create it by your own.

Some Good Instruction for Post Title:

1. Post and Page Title Should be short , useful and straight to the point
2. Your Title Should be Under 50 Characters
3. Try to make Your Title Unique
4. Your Title Should have only One Keyword

Some Good Instructions for Post Descriptions:

1. Your Page or Post description should be Useful for your users.
2. Try to write first for User than for Search Engine.
3. In 2020 Post description should be more than 500 at least. 
4. Should contain maximum information as per your title
5. Your Relevant content may catch more attraction and ranking for you.

This is way that how Google work on every page and post. So Think before your create a Title, and then you permalink in the last Description. These three things can give you best response if you work as per standard. 

6. On Page Writing - Optimized Articles

What is article writing, How to create Your Page Heading & finally how to write paragraphs for your website. Remember! Article writing is not as easy as we do. If you are doing job for a technology or information based website you must have to try for 500 words article. If you are writing for a wallpaper website you must have to work for at least 200 words paragraphs. 

You can make your article by dividing it into paragraphs. With the help of heading you can make a better structure of your article. As book reader like to create para graphic for their reader to talk a pause , You should try same like a pro. These thing only helps your reader but Google also like it. 

7. Keywords Density

Before we discuss about Keyword density, we have to know what is Keyword? Any single word you search in Google for a specific topic can be treated as Key words . 


In SEO any meaning full word or a group of word called Keyword. 

Like if you are talking about Financial Management , in these two words both will be known as keyword in SEO language.  Than what is keyword density?  Density mean percentage of keywords in an article. Like how many same meaning , relevant words are being used in a paragraph or article. Basically these Keywords have a key role in Searching. So Google and all other search engine do not like more and more Keywords repetition in article writing. . 

So standard for Key word density is , it should be 3 % in an article. For example in 500 words article you can use 15 keywords as a primary and secondary point of view.

8. Internal Links & its Importance

All the links on your site are important. Like if you have a 50 pages website and each page is link with other pages its a chain of internal link which play a good role for you success. Success in all way , like ranking as well as for traffic. Google and all search engine like this method. Your all post should be link with each other. 

For Example you have information website and having 500 post on different topic. If your old post are not links with new post you can not cash the output of your ranked post. Remember your all post are not ranked at the same time but only few. So if your old post are links with new articles it will get more best response. 

Not only search engine like this practice, your reader also like it. Your every link is a like a page. Now if reboot  read it or your visitor both like it. By doing this visitor will pay more time on your site. These links are called do follow links. So i would like to suggest you to link your every new post with your old one. Every new page with your old pages and see the magic. Hope you got the point and its advantages. 

9. Optimizing Images 

Images are more important than content now a days. Trust me Google results show that people like doing research through images. So images in your article not only make it beautiful as well as help to rank it. Try your best to make your own images for your blog. Here are some good instruction for your images optimization. 

Best Guideline for Images Optimization

1. Include 1 to 3 image in your each page, if you are doing post based job you have to add at least 2 images. 

2. Resize each image to reduce its size so that site load not effect much more .

3. Use Proper name for each image. 

4. For image optimization use alt attribute (alternative text for your imag) because google do not read  100 % your image still in 2020

5. Try to use title attributes for each image online. 

How to use Title attribute for image (Syntax Code):


<img src='seo-image.jp' title='SEO Tutorial' alt='SEO training'>

img src = Is showing Image Source and its name. 
title= Is showing image title 
alt= Is showing alternative Taxt for your image. 

10 Video Optimization Tips 

For Video Optimization you need to follow these instruction. 

1. First Of All upload your video on YouTube. 
2. If You are Uploading a Video on your blog, In title Section include word Video
3. In your blog description area , under or above the video use word Video 
4. Write some good, relevant text before and after your video. 
5. In word Press you can submit video sitemap to search engine. 

Hope this article will work for you. If you have any question or query please contact back. We will highly appreciate your feedback, Kindly share your experience in below comments area. 


Thanks for reading 10 On Pages Real Working SEO Techniques To Get Ranked in Google

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