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Sunday, April 26, 2020

Complete Guideline for Generating Back Links with Guest Posts in 2020

  Excellence Academy       Sunday, April 26, 2020
Some websites allow other webmasters or authors to write content for them and they will give a link in return. Websites that accept post from others typically have a page on their website that specify what they look for in a guest post. All such pages can be found  from Google. 

Guest posts can help us land extremely powerful, Niche relevant links that pack a lot of power. These links are so powerful that just a handful of these links can help a page break into top 10 of Google.

Complete Guideline for Generating Back Links with Guest Posts in 2020
So why do sites invite others to write content for them? There are quite a few reasons. One, they will be getting very high quality content for free. High Quality Content can be expensive, and by offering guest post opportunity to other webmasters and authors. These webmasters are getting the content without having to spend any money. 

Another reason is webmasters who post guest post also share these posts with there social media audience. They post about their guest posts on Facebook, tweet them and so on. So by accepting guest posts, they are getting free content and free publicity as well.If your guest post gets accepted by a website, you get a back link to your site. 

If a website that accepted your article happens to be very relevant to your niche, the link will be very very valuable. A link from a very relevant site matters a lot when it comes to ranking in Google. 

Finding Guest Post Opportunities 

To find such opportunities, we can look for common footprints like "write for us", "Contribute to" , "we accept guest post" and so on. 

For instance, to find guest posting opportunities related to mattresses, we can do a Google search for like this :

Mattress + "write for us" 


Mattress + "we accept guest Post"

In addition, you can use LSI Keywords related to "Mattresses" Like Sleep, insomnia, bed, and so on. But that's not all - You Could also look for home decor, furniture and related sites that accept guest post. 

Drop My Link  is a very good opportunity that makes it very easy to do these searches. You need to sign up with a account with them. Once you logged in, enter your keywords, and choose Guest Post for the category chose footprint option and click on Search button. In research area of Google you will find several internet marketing blog talking about guest post that come up as well. 

So you will have to manually look at each result and see whether or not it is a site accepting guest posts. Sites that are looking for guest posts will show up in the results, some may not be relevant to the niche. 

Sites that accept guest posts usually specify what they are looking for in such article. You have to closely read their guidelines and get to know what exactly they are looking for in such an article. 

You are recommended that create a list all of such website. you should have to record at least 10 website opportunities before you content any of the webmasters. 

Always try to write for only those website with a domain authority greater than 20. You can check bulk of domain Authority with single click. For this Search in Google "Bulk PA DA checker" and click Search button. 

You will find several site for this purpose. Or simply search "SEO Review Tools for PA DA checker. Go to website and past all of your domain list in search area and click on Search button it will show you all the results in a single click. 

Try to at lest website that have domain authority greater than 20. That said , getting accepted by a site with a Domain Authority more than 50 is not easy to accepted your post. 

Once you have a list of opportunities that you would like to pursue, it's time to email them and ask them whether you could write a guest post for them. Before you send anyone an email, make sure you read their guest post guidelines. And write to them only if you can give them what they are looking for. You can write an email like given below :

Writing A Request for Back links with Guest Post:

Hi <<firstname>>

I came across your website a while ago, and have been reading your posts - and i really like them a lot. 
I recently got to know that you accept guest post for <<their website'URL>>

I am writing to you to see if you'd be interested in featuring a guest post for our website<<your website <<URL>>. 

I believe I can add value to your site's readers on a few topics, and i have included the topics here. I am sure these will be well received by your readers. 
Topic 1 - Title of the Topic 

Topic Summary 

Topic 2. Title of the Topic 

Topic summary 

Topic 3 Title of the Topic 

Topic Summary 

I will make this process as easy as possible for you. The article will be formatted with links included. You'll be able to copy and past it into word press.


<<Your Name>>

You will want to personalize it as far as possible. You would want to see if you can get their first name from their website. And if they ask for a guest post, you wouldn't want to just a text file - You would want to format it so that it's as easy as possible for them to post on their website. You would want to make a note in your Record sheet that you have send them an email, and note the date as well. 

Not everyone might response to your email very fast. If someone does not respond to your email in a week's time. You would want to write to them again, asking them whether they had a chance to look at your email and consider your request. If someone is a webmaster of a very popular site, You would want to follow them on twitter and share their content with your audience for a while so that you get on their reader. 

You want to get noticed by them a someone who is helping with their marketing and promoting their content. 

That would make it a lot easier for you to get a post accepted. Make a note in your Record sheet that you emailed them a second time. If they ask you for the guest post, it's time to get it written, or write it yourself. If you are going to be using i need articles to get it written.You would want to get it written only by 4 to 5 stars writers. 

If the website has some special requirements. You could communicate that to the writer so that these are fulfilled. Guest Post content needs to be  of  a very high quality or else it will not get accepted. 

Thanks for reading Complete Guideline for Generating Back Links with Guest Posts in 2020

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