Web Booster

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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

How to Submit Blogger Site Map to Get Ranked in Google

  Excellence Academy       Wednesday, May 6, 2020
In this episode we are going to learn all about Submitting Blogger Sitemap.xml. This is Step by Step Guideline. Hope this Short Tutorial will work for you. 

How to Submit Blogger Sitemap

Submitting Blogger Sitemap.xml

If you are looking for how to submit Blogger Sitemap.xml. We will learn step by step in this episode. Let Start

1. Log In To Your Webmaster Tool Search Console 

2. Under Index Option Click on Sitemap

3. You will fine a link of your blog like this 

https://Your Blog Name.com/

4. In the End of this link just past sitemap.xml

5. Click on Submit and wait for the Results. 

That's it. 

How to Submit Site Map Word Press Based Sites 

For Word Press XML Sitemap plugin is the best way to Submit your Site Map

Thanks for reading How to Submit Blogger Site Map to Get Ranked in Google

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