Web Booster

Web Booster is a blog which will help you to boost your website with real SEO Tools and techniques. You can boost your sale with Latest Lead generation modules. We will guide you step by step for your Products Promotion with SEO techniques locally & especially for international demand. If you have an information blog and need traffic, we will provide your information that how to increase web search.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

How Online Databases Helps to generate Ideas for Niche Sites.

  Excellence Academy       Sunday, April 26, 2020
Hello Friens ! Today we will try to understand about How Online Databases Helps to generate Ideas for Niche Sites. There are many online databases which can help us to find out some productive idea regarding Niche. I personally know no one is talking about it , even this is a good idea for get some good niche ideas to use it. 

There are several online databases that ae open to the public. You could say Google itself is an online database. So mining online databases for niche ideas certainly makes sense. This does required a bit of lateral thinking, but this can be a lot of fun. 

Let's search for List of Online Databases on Google , >>> Go To Googl.com <<<<<<

Search List of Online Databases and go to search in........You will find there are a lot of results for this search. Let's Choose Wikipedia. By clicking the link you will find a list here is sorted alphabetically. Let's just scrol down the list and see what catches your eye. Find your intrested keyword to make a niche idea for your affiliation website. 

Chose any key word  and than go to amazon for searching the same key word to know how much products are available there for that specific keyword. Only avaliblity of products is not enough you must apply the 3 rules. 

1. Products must be atleast to cover 50 to 100 website pages 
2. Product must cover the price at least $ 50 to get good commission
3. Products must have 500 + Positive Reviews 

So the idea was to use Online Databases that can help you to find out your hobby , you choice , your field of intrest and than do proper research for your Niche. 

Hope this will help you to create a good idea for your affiliation website niche. If you have some experience please do share in comments. Thanks for being here stay tuned. 


Thanks for reading How Online Databases Helps to generate Ideas for Niche Sites.

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