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Sunday, April 26, 2020

9 Advance Page Title Tips for On Page SEO

  Excellence Academy       Sunday, April 26, 2020
How to Optimizing the Title Tag for On Page SEO. Title tag is the most important of all on page elements. It has to be keyword rich, tell search engines and users what the page is about and it should be 55 characters in length. Here are a few thumb rules to make your title tag more effective. 

9 Advance Page Title Tips for On Page SEO 

1. Your title tags needs to start with the primary Keywords phrases. 
2. The Title Tag needs to have a number in it. 
3. The length of the title tag needs to be less than 55 to 60 characters.
4. You would want to use as many unique words as possible from the list of secondary keywords. 
5. No word or phrase would occur more than once 
6. Your Title needs to be unique. You would not want to reuse the same title tag anywhere else on the site. 
7. The Primary Keyword has to be at the beginning to the title, and you would want to include as many secondary keywords as possible. 
8. The Most important part of the title tag needs to be within the first 55 to 60 characters. The portion of the title tag beyond 60 Characters will most likely not be displayed by the search engines. 
9. You would want to make a list of all of the unique phrases and words from the set of secondary phrases. Use as many of them as possible in the Title, while keeping the number of characters below 55 to 60. 

Optimizing the Description - SEO guideline for description tags.

The Superscription tag is not a ranking signal. The basic purpose of the description tag is to get people to click through to your site from the SERPs. So you are essentially writing ad copy here. That said, You would want to use as many unique phrases and words from the primary and secondary keywords in the description tag as possible. Whenever a search query - or part of it matches the description tag, Google bold the matching keywords or even synonyms of those words and this can increase the click thoughts. The length of the description tag needs to be around 160 characters. Try to use secondary keywords as many of as possible in the description tag. If we write a twin mattresses it can be like this

" These are our top 7 twin mattresses for adults, elderly and travel trailers. Our pic for #6 will most certainly amaze you"

This is one possible description for the page, You would want to remember that Google may not always use the description you specify. But still, it's a good practice to use a unique description tag for every page on your site.

Optimizing the URL

The URL is a very important on page element and should be optimize with care.  You will have to ensure that no phrase is repeated in the URL. An Over optimized URL would be asking for trouble. Here are a few thumbs rules that can help with construction of URLs. The URL should not contain numbers or special characters. It's meaning should be obvious to humans and search engines. You would want to use unique words from the primary and secondary keywords phrases in the URL. The URL should be keyword dense, but never ever be over optimized. As far as possible, no word or phrase should occur more than once in the URL. To separate words, use dash - not underscores or any other characters. URLs need to be unique just like title tags and description meta tags. The dash '-' is the only separator you would want to use. You would not want to use underscores '-' in either URL or in the title. If you are building a non siloed site, the URL will not have the category name in it. You should have to use the primary keyword at the beginning of the URL as far as possible, and use as many words fro secondary keywords as possible.

What is LSI Latent Semantic Indexing 

LSI stand for Latent Semantic Indexing. When Google bots crawl your page, they see the focus keyword in the title. But Google does not conclude right away that your page is about the keyword phrase you used in the title. Google also looks at every single word in the body copy , looking for related words, synonyms, brand names, plurals and other words any expert on the topic would expect to be naturally associated with your focus keywords.

For instance, if your focus keyword is 'High blood pressure' and you have used it in the title.Google will also expect to find words and phrases like hypertension, doctor, mm Hg, medical practitioner, Prescription, medication, Symptoms, blood pressure chart , causes , how to low blood pressure.... etc. Google measures how relevant a given page is to a topic by taking into account how many related phrases and words are on the page. This is then used to rank the page in the SERPs. A page that is very relevant to a certain topic will have lots and lots of words and phrases that Google expects to find on the page. On the other hand, a page that's not relevant to a topic will have too few or none of the words are phrases that Google would expect to find on the page. For instance if a page targeting the phrase 'High blood Pressure' Had all of the words mentioned above, Google might consider the page to be very relevant to the topic high blood pressure. On the other hand if the page had only the following words from the above list , Hypertension and doctor. Google may decide the page is not very relevant to 'High blood Pressure" in the past Google and other search engines used to look only at frequency that how many time a particular keyword appeared in the body copy. Back then , if you wanted a page to rank for high blood pressure, all you had to do was repeat the phrase a certain number of times in the body copy, and Google would conclude the page is about high blood pressure.

Google is a lot more smarter than that now. Trying to keyword stuff a page can easily lead to a penalty. Google now know what a particular page is about by parsing the text on the page.

Planning Your Content 

You could write the content or outsource it. Either way some planning will be required. You would want each page to be at least 2000 words in length. Your content should not have grammatical errors or typographical errors and should be unique. For the focus keyword, you will need at least 1000 to 1500 words of unique, highly informative content.

For instance, if you are writing for best twin mattress web page for affiliation websites. you could review 5 to 10 twin mattresses that could be well suited for adults. You could choose a few twin mattresses that are designed specifically for adults and write about of those, and explain why a potential buyer would want to choose one of those mattresses. OR, You could have content related to sleep problems adults face and then suggest a few twin mattresses that could help them deal with those problems. OR, You could create a detailed twin mattress buying guide and write in some detail about how to go about buying a twin mattress. This can be a detailed buying guide that discussed each of the features a buyers would have to look for when buying a twin mattress for an adult. Any content that you feel would  be very helpful to your audience would be very good. For each of the secondary keywords, you will need at least 200 to 300 words of content. You could have any number of secondary keywords on the page, but you will need 200 to 300 words of content for each of those phrases. So for each of these secondary phrases you would want to have at least 200 words content. If you are going to be outsourcing your content, you could order one 1500 word article for the focus keywords and order one 200 to 300 words article for each of the secondary keywords. It's always a good idea to hire the more expensive writer.For instance, if you were to be ordering articles from ineedarticles.com then choose only 4 to 5 star writers. Always insist that every article should be unique.  You want each page to be at least 2000 words in length. Structuring your content this way will help you to easily meet the requirement while ensuring your content is very helpful and information. You will also need to use several images on each page. Preferably unique images that appeal more and more visitors.

Topical Relevance - Role of Relevance topic in Page Ranking 

Here is the role relevance plays in how well your site performs. The more relevant your site is, the easier it will be the rank your site in Google. If Google sees your site as being very relevant a certain topic, you will be able to rank even for medium difficulty keywords very few external back links. On the other hand, if Google does not see your site as being very relevant a certain topic then you will find it very hard to rank for even easy keywords without building a lot of external back links and adding a lot of additional content. This is why you would not want to completely trust key word difficulty scores. A certain keyword may have a keyword difficulty score of 20 But if Google does not see your site as being very relevant to the keyword then you will not be able to rank without building at least a few external back links and maybe adding additional content. Likewise, a certain keyword may have a difficulty score of 30. But if Google sees your site as being a authority on the topic you may be able to rank at least on the second page with zero external back links with just Good On page SEO tricks.

So, how do you see what topic your site is seen as being relevant to by Google? For this there are couple of rules of thumb you could use.

One way to know whether a particular site is seen as being relevant to by Google for a particular topic is to see where in Google the particular site pages are ranking. If several of the sides pages on a particular topic on the page 10. Then the site is seen by Google as being very relevant to the topic. For instance if you have a site that has several pages about each of the following topics. Like
Kitchen islands, Kitchen Knives,Kitchen Designs,Kitchen remodeling,Kitchen titles etc.

And you see that almost every page about kitchen island is in the top 20. While on page about Kitchen remodeling is in the top 50. You would not be too wrong to conclude Google sees your site as being mainly about kitchen islands and does not consider your site to be very relevant to the topic kitchen remodeling. Remember ! this is not a perfect method.

This might have happens because pages about kitchen remodeling maybe targeting insanely hard keywords and the pages about kitchen islands are targeting long tail or zero competition keywords. Still, it's a thumb rule you can use to make decisions. Another way to find out what topics a site may be relevant for is to check how many pages the site has on the topic. Very large sites can be relevant for a whole range of seemingly unrelated topics. Mainly because they have tons of content on just about everything imaginable. For instance, Wikipedia.com is seen by Google as being relevant to everything under the sun.  why is this? Because Wikipedia is a moderated site that has tons and tons of content on just about everything. So Wikipedia can rank in the top 10 for just about anything imaginable, It's the sheer amount of content the site has that gives it the power to do so. Which is why, a link from Wikipedia is a good thing to have. No matter what your site may be about. chances are the link will be relevant to the topic of your site.

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Thanks for reading 9 Advance Page Title Tips for On Page SEO

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