Web Booster

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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

14 Off-Page SEO Components to Get Ranked in Search Engines

  Excellence Academy       Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Off-page SEO, Your job is all out of the your own web. Now nothing to do at your website or blog. These tricks are out bounded. Like when you submit your site to Google to index it, it is called a Off Page SEO techniques. So this is what we are going to see in detail in this episode. Let see a little more content detail what we will discuss in deep detail.

Off Page SEO Components

1.    Submitting site to search Engine.
2.    Submitting sitemaps to search engines.
3.    Submitting site to blog Directories.
4.    Using Social Media Marketing Tools
5.    Social Book Marking
6.    Google & Bing Webmaster Tools in detail
7.    Google Analytic Tools
8.    Creating Quality of Back Links for your blog or websites.
9.    How to do guest posting on High Page Rank sites.,
10.  What is Google Page Rank how to improve it.
11.  Some Most advance SEO Tools for Good Ideas.
12.  Blog Commenting
13.  Back Link via Forums
14.  Back link via Article Submission

These topics we will discuss in detail. If you focus on these lines, nothing to do on your web. Its all about out of your website boundary. Off page sites SEO have its own role.

Mostly Search Engine search new sites it self , but you can submit directly. That is also allowed and Google do not hat all this. You can do it after creating some good content. Go to Google and find submit URL to google. Same you can do for Bing or Yahoo. Now Yahoo and Bing are same. If you submit any one the other also accept by default.

You can add your website address in different social website. Basically it is type of No-follow link but have its own importance. You can add you link on Facebook, Twitter, linkedin and  Pinterest etc. These links will create a worth of your site. You can get more traffic if you share your post and content links on these social media platform.

You can also submit your site link to blogs directories. For example, Bloggers is a good directory to submit your URL.  Trust me if you submit a website link to Google , and an other website link to bloggers.com. Google give more importance to this link. Hope you understand the importance of this channel.

Creating link with comments, is also a old method off page SEO. It is also a good practice but remember in 2020 it is no more valuable as such in 2000 to 2015. 

Instead of this if you create a link in Zimio that is more important than a comment link.

All these methods are for search engine to tell that you are enter in the online  market so that Google and other search engine consider your work and give importance to it.

Thanks for reading 14 Off-Page SEO Components to Get Ranked in Search Engines

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