Web Booster

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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

How to select domain name and web-hosting - SEO Techniques

  Excellence Academy       Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Today we will see, what you have to keep in mind before you get start with a domain name and web-hosting. Today in 2020, thousand websites are available on google on a single click but which one is the best, how to choose them, what is the idea for web-hosting. These question may help you later when traffic start on your web-pages. So before you face any issue in future let us solve them first. 

Key Point for Web Hosting & Domain 

1. Should be Purchased from well known company
2. Mark Up time must be 99.99 %
3. Provides Great Customers Support.
4 Security must be strong. 

If You are Using blogger than domain name is enough. You do not need any hosting in case of blogger and if you are using word-Press or self developed website you will need a hosting place.

SEO Techniques For Selection of a DomainFor hosting you must remember above mentioned 4 key-points. Your Hosted company should be well known because if you choose a third class hosting company you all efforts like content building and SEO struggle will be wasted. So never ever chose a low ranking hosting company. If you are interested to jump in this web word be strong to take good decision. Remember low quality products always cost more. I hop you understand the point. 

Second import point is markup time. mark up time mean when a hosting company work for a while for their maintenance you site will also not on internet search. Like some time you go on the road and you find a indicate work in process change this way. Like this , some time company work for a little more so find those option those have mark up time 99.99 % . That mean very soon they recover all the issues and your site have no issue for long time. 

Find those companies which have best Customer Supports in this view. Like if your site is showing some issues on domain or hosting side and your hosting company is not reply your any query? How would you feel ? so thing about it find those companies who have best customers sports. Mostly well companies have not such issues. But just care about it. 

Last but not the least , Security must be there. Let check all the security tools which they are showing on their website. If you are getting some hosting or domain your hosting company must have good security. Today in 2020 these issues are very low but if we think about past in 2000 or 2012 there were many security issues in case of domain and hosting. But as a starter you have to keep in mind this point also. 

SO these were the four key point which will really help you in case of starting any website. Find out a good domain name and start your online career. Best of luck ! 

Hope this idea will work for you. If you have any Question please Contact Us. Your are requested to share your feedback via comments in comment area.

Thanks for your time and consideration !

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