Web Booster

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Sunday, April 26, 2020

How Amazon.com Can Help You for Generating Idea of affiliation website Niche

  Excellence Academy       Sunday, April 26, 2020
Hello Friends ! We are here to find out good idea for a Productive Niche for affiliation website to earn Commission. There are a plethora of products taht sell very well on amazon. So today we will see how to use amazon.com for niche generating idea. 

For all this Open your broser and find on Google " Best amazon seller" from the results click any first link that will leads you to Amazon.com with Amazon Best Sellers catagory of products. You can see here top most popular products based on sales. Amazon Update this on hourly basis. There is huge list for your choice to select and dig deep for more detail.

How Amazon.com Can Help You for Generating Idea of affiliation website Niche


On the Left you can see list of Categories of products sales on Amazon. These are very broad categories and by clicking on any of these, You can dig deeper into the category. Click any one of the product and apply these rules for your niche researchy. 

1. Is this Product have more than 500 positive Customer Reviews. 
2. Is this at leat price with $ 50 
3. Must estimate the productd demand , dose it seasonal or demanded all the year round. 
4. What is the Stars Rating of this products 
( That refelect the Customer intrest for this Product)

If a Product is at least $ 50 with 500 Review and 4 to 5 stars rating. You may think for Niche brand. But there are some more factor of success that you must apply on this before making a final decesion. Like do you have intrest in this product, do you have some basic knowledge about this product, Do you think you will make intrest for next 4 month to write oregnal content for this product if all qustion have answer "Yes" You can start today. Let Start and get a success in your field. 

Hope this idea will help you more as a beginer in affiliateion marketing. If you have any question please comments below. 


Thanks for reading How Amazon.com Can Help You for Generating Idea of affiliation website Niche

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