Web Booster

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Sunday, April 26, 2020

Biggest Mistakes Beginners make While Selecting a Niche

  Excellence Academy       Sunday, April 26, 2020
Hy Friends ! To day we are going to learn about possible the Single biggest mistake beginners make while selection a niche. They do not check how the demand for products in the niche varies overr a year. You do not want to spend 3 to 4 month working on a website that generates revenues only for 2 months in a year. That will really demoralise your struggle.  

Biggest Mistakes Beginners make While Selecting a Niche

Biggest Mistakes Beginners make While Selecting a Niche

You want to create websites that generates revenuse all year round. Demands for certain goods and services varies over a year depending on the season. For instance if you are selling snow shovels, You know for certain that the demand is going to be at tis maximum in the winter and falls to near zero over the summer months. 

Likewise swimwear, bathing suits and the like sell very well in the summer months and demand falls steeply during the winter months. And Halloween costumes sell extremely well in September and most likely will have near zero demand in February and March. Its the Same with several other niches as well. Demand exist only during certain months of the Year and for the rest of the year, the demand curve is flat. 

If you do not take the time to analyse if you search demand patterns exist in your niche then you may be in for an uppleasant surprise. After building out the site, you may discover your miseed the peak bying season by a month and you will have to wait for several months before demand picks up again. 

Now, not every niche is seasonal but some are Designer clothing, computer accessories,  DVDs, High and Cosmetics and electronics sell all year round. If you build sites in these niches, you can expect a steady stream of revenues every month, all the year round. On the other hand, prom dresses, swimwear, Halloween Costumes, Scarves, heavy coats, Sweaters and the like are seasonal.   

The Demand peaks for maybe one or two months and afterward the demand curve is flat.  Some folks, completely unaware of the seasonal nature of the niche they picked , do the keyword research during the peak bying season, build their sites, Build a lot of links and even rank for the phrases they wants to ranks for. And Then they discover their sites is not getting sales or traffic. That certainly is not a pleasant situation to be in. Which is why, you need to take the time to figure out if a certain niche you happen to choose seasonal or not. 

Seasonality Niche, Affiliation, Affiliate Website Commission, Commission website, Top Niche, How to choose niche, 

Thanks for reading Biggest Mistakes Beginners make While Selecting a Niche

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