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Sunday, April 26, 2020

How to Use Google Trends to Check Seasonality Trends of Products for Affiliation Marketing

  Excellence Academy       Sunday, April 26, 2020
Dear Friends ! Today we will Learn how to Use Google Trends to chekc Seasonality Trends of Products for Affiliation Marketing.  Google Trends helps you to see the deamdn patterns that exist for any niche. This is simply the best way to see how demand for products in a niche varies over the course of year.

How to Use Google Trends to Check Seasonality Trends of Products for Affiliation Marketing

To visit Google Trends Please
Click Here

How to Use Google Trends:

For this Log into your G.Mail Accounts and go to Google Trends via above link or Click Here.

Find your Products name into Search bar top of the screen and push enter 

Here You will see the Interest over time as well as Regional Interest 

Regional Interest mean the interest of Different region of the world about your Searching Keyword.

From Top Explore Bar you can select the Region you want to explore. 

Like if You are intrested to check your Keyword Value in USA , Go to Worldwide button and Select USA and you will get the Results for USA

When your Search any keyword you find Historical Results of Your Searchd Keyword in below chart called  interest over time.

Interest Over Time Graph show the Trends year to year ( Graph line Up and Down show intrest values)

If you do not like to get Genert time Result you can chosse your Specific Year Result by Selecting Year from Top Explore bar.

The Number of Searches per month is on the Y Exis it is the Vertical and Time is on X axis which is Horizontal. 

Remember Number of Searches dose not Placed over here ( In Interest Over Time Chart Bar)

For Per Month Idea we will use Google Keyword Planner Later.

Dear Friends ! All this Practice is easy and important for your Nich Searching. Google Trends Help you about the Trends all over the world. Its Help you to check the products Demannd time to time Country to Country. You can make a good idea which product is best for your niche. Remember Select a niche (product) which is demanded all the Year round. Because a graph which is going top and bottom in Google Trends is not good for Affiliation purpose. Such Results will demoralized your efforts so do not choose seasonal demaned products

I hope You understand the purpose of this post and if you have any question regarding Google Trends Please Comments Below. 


Thanks for reading How to Use Google Trends to Check Seasonality Trends of Products for Affiliation Marketing

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