Web Booster

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Sunday, April 26, 2020

How ebay and Alibaba can help you for choosing productive Niche

  Excellence Academy       Sunday, April 26, 2020
Hello Friends ! Today we will see How ebay.com and Alibaba.com can help you for choosing productive Niche. All affiliation websites or ecommerce sites have lots of products with name and catagories. Like if you visit ebay.com you will find many good ideas liek motors, fashion, electronic, home & Garden toyse and hobbies deals and gifts man much more. These are main catagories , there are lots of more details if you click any of the main catagory link. 

How ebay and Alibaba can help for choosing productive Niche

With very few exceptions, anything you can find on eBay will aslo be selling on amazon. Let's discuss eBay Now......

There are so many categories listed on the Home Page , like You can visit and see makeup , sets here, fashion, shoes , handbags, watches, gifts , Furniture, There are so many ideas you can get just by looking at the home Page. 

Clicking on any of these will take you deeper into the Category. By doing so you will see individual products you can promote. Take a look at the menu at the top of the page. There are several broad categories listed. Click on any one to dig deeper. 

If you click on motors. You will find several assessories here like, tires, brakes, suspension, lights, motor cycles parts etc. For Example you click on Motorcycle Parts here. You will find there are million of individual parts for motorcycles. On left you will find several sub categories. You can get any one of the idea you like to start as your niche. 

Remember any keyword you select for your niche must complete first 3 Rules as disscussed before. As we try for motorbicks you can select any main catagory and than find sub catagores to dig deepert into the sub category. All Category and sub category have same rules and process it is your choice what you like to choose as per your pession. Because ultimately you have to continue for content writing. That is very important factor to work 3 to 4 month on the same category. 

So dont be hurry ! Just Research your best niche that could be productive , complete niche rules as disscussed before and than carry on for your success. 

Similarly, Alibaba.com is a great source of niche ideas. When you visit Alibaba.com you will see a partial list of categories on the home page,  by clicking on all category you will dig deeper into the website complete product list. Beside each category, you can see the number of products listed in that category. By this list you can easiely build several niche sites around any of these sub categories, You can use just about any big ecommerce sites to generate niche ideas this way. 

Hope this will be useful for you. Kindly share your feedback in comments. Thanks for visiting stay tuned. 

Thanks for reading How ebay and Alibaba can help you for choosing productive Niche

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