Web Booster

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Sunday, April 26, 2020

How Google AdWords Keyword Planner Can Help for Niche Decesion

  Excellence Academy       Sunday, April 26, 2020
Hy Friends ! We have discussed about Niche that you must have to choose a niche which can support you at least 50 to 100 pages website. It Simply mean you can write contant at least 50 to 100 pages for your niche. Basically this kind of website with oregnal content have a good life and worth with Google and other Search engine. Today we will see how to use Google Adwords Keyword Planner to generate niche idea and see whether a nich can support a 50 to 100 page affiliate website. 

How Google AdWords Keyword Planner Can Help for Niche 

Google AdWords Keyword Planner
To access the Google Adwords Keyword Planner, you will need to log into your Google Account and then go to official website of Google Adwords account and use tool : Under the Find new Keywords and get search Volume data use search for new keywords using a phrase, website or category option for yor keword Research. 

In search Coloum enter one or more of the following , your product or service write your keyword of your product, You will ge search volume trends chart, Under the Search Volume Trend Chart Click on Keyword Ideas button. 

Now Scroll down and take a look at all the different phrases listed here. We are not intrested for avg monthly searches or suggested bid , so do not pay much attention to these columns right now. we will learn these option at later. 

You just want to make sure you are targeting United States. Do not worry about any of the other option right now.  We are only intrested in different phrases listed in Keyword listed in below area. For any niche to satisfy the 50 to 100 pages rule, You will need to see at least 50 to 100 distinct subtopics.  

Each of these distinct phrases must be closely related to the main phrases we searched for and each of these distant keywords will become the focus keyword for one page. So if you want to build a 50 page site, You would want to see at least 50 phrases listed here. 

Keep in mind these 50 Phrases that are very closely related to each other and distinct. When you search any keywords over here you will get more than 700 results as phrases. All of these are closely related to the main topic you searched. 

So if you search a keyword and get more than 700 related Phrases you can easiely build a 50 to 100 pages affiliate site. Because you can get so many closely related phrases in this list. On each Topic you can build one page.  

For all this Practice one More thing you have to remember that Your Niche must be Potential Niche. Here Potential mean that have some worth , that is beaing searched , Any hot topic , Hot demanded, Most selling or anthing which is going on the top. 

Hope you get some thing valuable for your idea. Please comment us if you watnt to share your experience about this topic. Thanks for your time and participation. 


Thanks for reading How Google AdWords Keyword Planner Can Help for Niche Decesion

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