Web Booster

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Sunday, April 26, 2020

Why Keywords are Important for Content Based Websites

  Excellence Academy       Sunday, April 26, 2020
More Than 20 Best Tools that will help you to learn about Keywords importance and the Tools which will rally work for your Website Traffic booster. Let Try all these tools and tricks to get more batter Results in Search Engines Ranking.

Hope it will work for your in real sens. Here are the techniques to adopt for keyword research and its improvement.

Why Keywords are Important for Content Based Websites
1. Keyword Research on Right Way is Very Very Important for Amazon Affiliate Commission Based Web sits. 

2. Good Content , Appealing Images and Well Designed Web pages are important but without Right Keywords its nothing. 

3.  People Join you online for their solution for their Problems 

4. There are different types of Keywords like Some Keywords cover Awareness, Some cover Research & Consideration , Some Keywords  helps to evaluation of alternatives products , Some Keywords helps to create purchase demand, Some helps for post purchase, Some are Brands Loyalists which create loyalty towards their brands etc. 

5. You have to Learn about Buyers vs Non Buyers Keywords if you want to get success in Affiliation website for Commission. 

6. For Affiliation Website You Need Commercial Intent Keywords ( Search On Google Commercial Intent Keywords List)

7.  Any link by Google Keyword planer says low Competition has very Low Commercial Intent and vice versa 

8. A Keyword with a very High Search Volume may have no commercial Intent. 

9. If you are creating Amazon affiliation website you must have to add some information keyword to attract the traffic also.  Remember You can not rank with a product name like Nokia directly but you can easily rank with lower rank keyword like Buyers Keywords. 

10. Avoided all those methods which can penalized your website like Black Hat Methods for Traffics etc.

11. For Keyword Research You Can Use KeywordRevealer For Free  You Can Use it 3 Free Searches Per Day. 

12. You Can Also Try Keyword Canine, Long Tail Pro For Keyword Research. 

13.  Keyword Difficulty mean a measure of how hard it will be to rank for : if a keyword difficulty rate is below 23 and no page SEO is done before any one you can rank that keyword very easily. Use it in Title , Description as well as in H1 tag it will give you results. 

14. Phrases with 5 or more words are easy to rank than a single word.

15. If a Keyword Difficulty is more than 25 , You also have to focus on Domain authority if domain authority   10 or less than 10 and available in top 10 ranking website you can boost it also. Remember if on page SEO is missing than there are highly chances to boost this keyword.

16. For High Quality Super Fast Keywords you can use Semrush tool 

17. You Can Use Semrush tool to generate Niche Idea this is fast way to generate Niche Ideas. 

18. In Affiliation websites Keywords must be Buyers Keywords to attract the demand that start with Best and End in review or reviews words

19. For Affiliation website You can also target product name or model number as your Keywords 

20.  For Affiliation website you must have to include a small percentage of non buyers informational keywords on you website. 

21. For Affiliation market you just add those keywords having Keywords Difficulty less than 25 , these are easy to rank for your earning.

22. Don't try to harder Keyword to rank first , First Try with Easy Keyword to Rank first than start Harder Keywords. 

23. Keyfinder  is a another best tool for  

Thanks for reading Why Keywords are Important for Content Based Websites

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