Web Booster

Web Booster is a blog which will help you to boost your website with real SEO Tools and techniques. You can boost your sale with Latest Lead generation modules. We will guide you step by step for your Products Promotion with SEO techniques locally & especially for international demand. If you have an information blog and need traffic, we will provide your information that how to increase web search.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

How To Implement SEO Techniques On Blogger For Organic Search

  Excellence Academy       Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Blogger is a free platform. You can start your information blog, Technology Blog ,Wall paper blog etc. Any idea which is possible throw word-Press and PHP can be started through Blogger. It is true that all the featured are not as you can do in Word Press but with out any cost its a wonderful platform. 
How to Perform SEO On Your Blogger Blog

In this article we will see some SEO techniques for Blogger.com. All those tips and tricks , all Google and other Search Engines SEO policies, that how much we can use in blogger.com blogs. 

Remember ! All On Pages & Off page SEO techniques can also apply on bloggers. Let See what you can do and what you can not do in this concern. 

Overview About Blogger :

First When you logged in your gmail account, by google search "Blogger" you can easily get blogger Dashboard. If we talk about Blogger Dash board these thing you will find there. 

Overview: By using this button you will get blogger overview. About daily traffic, post ranking,regional interest etc. 

Post: By this option you can create a new post for your blog. 

Comments: By suing this section you can check the public feedback , their comments etc. 

Status: About blog status like daily searches on each post, overall visitors , visitors region history etc.

Earnings: If you have got monetization your blog you can check your earnings. 
Layout: Blogger themes , themes setting etc.

Template: This option will be used for changing blogger theme 
Settings: By doing this you can you can make all the setting of your blog. 

How to Index your blog to Google:

Blogger is a product of Google. There is not need for it that you work for it indexing Google automatically index its content. But Professionally you can do it via google webmaster tool.  then verify it via meta tag. 

How to add sitemap for Your blog.

At least do 30 post for your blog and than submit site map. 

This is just an overview for more Detailed Blogger SEO Tips and Tricks Please Stay Connected.

You can add your experience , via Comments. Your Feedback will be highly appreciated in this view. 

Thanks Your Kind Consideration 


Thanks for reading How To Implement SEO Techniques On Blogger For Organic Search

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