Web Booster

Web Booster is a blog which will help you to boost your website with real SEO Tools and techniques. You can boost your sale with Latest Lead generation modules. We will guide you step by step for your Products Promotion with SEO techniques locally & especially for international demand. If you have an information blog and need traffic, we will provide your information that how to increase web search.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Complete Guidelines for Niche Selection with Basic Rules

  Excellence Academy       Sunday, April 26, 2020
Hello Friends ! There are some basic Rules to Select a Nice. If you have Study other Post on my blog about Niche Research i have already discuss these rules but in this post i want to discuss these rules in detail. Here are the three Basic Rules before you Select a niche for affiliation website. 

Rule # 1.  The Niche Should have scores upon scores of products being sold on amazon.com as well as most of these products should be selling for at least $ 50 , and at least handful of these should have more than fifty 4 to 5 star revise. 

Rule # 2.  You should be comfortable with working in the niche for at least 3 to 4 months.

Rule # 3. The niche should be big enough to support a site that's at least 50 to 100 Pages in size. 

Keep in mind these 3 basic rules , a keyword i mean your niche must complete these three rules. During planning Seasonality problem should be part of your research. Because some items are sold out only in specific season. So any product which depend on season are not good for your affiliation website. Because it will demoralized your struggle. 

Any idea which does not pass these initial test must be weeded out or else you might end up building a site that just does not perform well. 

Important Tips:

If you are searching your keyword on amazon , to check products list , Do not forget to see the products list sorted with features. The list of products amazon gives you is usually sorted by relevance. You should have to select " Featured" if the option is available. Because many products does not have this feature. 

When you do this amazon shows you some of the best selling products in the niche. This will really help you to get more best and productive idea for your niche during all this process. 

Step No 2 for Niche Selection:

To check Rules not 3 what you have to do, Let's Check Google Ad words Keyword Planner. Logged into Google Ad-words Keyword Planner . Click Search for new keywords using a phrase, website or category. Put your product name or Keyword you want to search. 

When you searched your Product name or any other keyword you will get results. Under Blue Graph there is an option of Keyword Ideas click on this button you will get some words and phrases. This is what we want to see. Lots of phrases that are very important for SEO as well as for content writing. 

Most Important Tip for Searching Niche 

Seasonality - Yes for checking your Product seasonality you have to check on worldwide trends. Go to Google Trend. In search bar put your keyword or product name and by doing this you can see the graph is trending downward and upward that show the demand of your keyword all over the year. This graph changed with the different product and keyword. 

There are many reason for low demand or less demand. For example you are searching a product name but that is getting demand with some other name, May be the demand is not low but the buyers are searching with particular brands name not with the common name while some one is searching with the keyword what you are getting searched. 

So there are many reasons , but do not worry just make your best efforts and go ahead. If you scroll down below the graph you will find Regional interest for this particular product or keyword. 

Hope this will help you what you are searching for, if you have any question please ask in comments. You can share your feedback via comments. Thanks for visiting my blog for more such topics stay tuned. 


Thanks for reading Complete Guidelines for Niche Selection with Basic Rules

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